ʻĪao Valley State Monument
ʻĪao Needle Lookout Trail and Ethnobotanical Loop
Round-Trip Mileage: 0.6 mile
Elevation: 20’
ʻĪao Valley State Monument will be closed from August 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023 for the final phase of the slope stabilization project and parking lot improvements. - Division of State Parks
This small state park offers an easy walk along a paved trail. The main attraction is the ʻĪao Needle, Kūkaemoku, a 1200’ erosional feature in the upper valley. The ʻĪao Needle is actually a bit of an illusion of vantage. It’s really the end of a long, narrow ridge rather than a free-standing spire. Regardless, it’s one of the most picturesque spots on Maui. ʻĪao means “cloud supreme,” and the upper portions of the valley are often shrouded in wispy clouds. The paved trail crosses over ʻĪao stream and passes by a wealth of botanical species brought to Maui by the ancient Hawaiians. The State Monument also marks the spot where the armies of King Kamehameha conquered the forces of Kalanikūpule at the Battle of Kepaniwai in 1790. After three fierce days of battle, the river was dammed with bodies and ran red with blood.
Trailhead: Find the ʻĪao Valley Road near the intersection of Hwy. 30 and Hwy. 32 on the eastern side of West Maui. The park is open from 7am to 6pm. There is a $5 fee per vehicle to enter the park (there is no fee for residents of Hawai’i). There is no drinking water available, but there are restrooms.
Gear: Standard hiking gear. It’s just a walk along a paved trail - sandals are ok for this one.
Hike: Walk along the paved trail and take in the big views and also the amazing plant species. Climb to the ʻĪao Needle viewing area and marvel at the amazing landform. Stay on the paved trail and return the way you came. Many people leave the trail and enter private land where they are trespassing. Disregard things you see on social media and bad information from other sources. There’s nothing “secret” here — you’re just trespassing.
ʻĪao Stream