Dragon’s Teeth
Makaluapuna Point
Round-Trip Mileage: 0.5 mile
Elevation Gain: 75’
The Dragon’s Teeth
This short West Maui hike travels to The Dragon’s Teeth, a unique lava formation along Makaluapuna Point. When one of the last lava flows on Maui traveled to the ocean here, its chemical composition allowed the waves to beat the lava back and harden it in vertical, fin-like formations. While the main attraction is the Dragon’s Teeth, wandering around Makaluapuna Point is also very worthwhile. It has big views back toward white sand gems D.T. Fleming Beach Park and Oneloa Bay, and the island of Moloka’i looks close enough to touch.
Trailhead: From Hwy. 30 in West Maui, turn makai (toward the sea) on Office Road toward the Ritz-Carlton resort. Turn right when Office Road dead-ends into Lower Honoapi’ilani Road. Follow Lower Honoapi’ilani Road for a short way and turn left into a small parking area for the Dragon’s Teeth. This trailhead has no services.
Gear: Standard hiking gear. Although the trail is short and along the ocean, sandals are not appropriate because the terrain on Makaluapuna Point is quite rough. Bring plenty of water and sun protection.
Hike: From the small parking area, walk between some trees and find the beginning of the trail. Look to your right and find a large hedgerow. This marks the boundary of Honokahua Burial Site, containing hundreds of ancient graves. Stay out of this sacred ancient site and stay on trail. Pass by the golf course and keep an eye out for errant golf balls. Pass by the course and find Makaluapuna Point. The Dragon’s Teeth will be obvious, but it’s very worthwhile to wander around this point. Watch for whales in the winter and honu (green sea turtles) year-round. The waves can be dramatic at high surf. Return the way you came.
Moloka’i Island from Makaluapuna Point